Don Zauker

(c) 2017 Simon Mas, (p) 2017 Simon Mas

Appears On…

<<Unissued on album>>


Dan Baune: guitar solo
Giovanni Durst: drums
Simon Mas: bass, keyboads, guitar, voice, producer, sound engineer


cammino per strada, la notte nel cuore, la vita ormai è così un lungo cadere, un freddo tramonto, luoghi comuni a morir cerco la luce ma un dubbio mi assale: cosa succede qui? mi sento idiota, mi sento persa, sogno un reality cerco un volto amico: chi mi aiuterà? solitaria e dannata, mi sento sprofondar. “ferma ragazza” mi dice calmo “non piagnucolar io andavo a troie, ma se vuoi una mano basta fare la carità!” indica una chiesa e mi sorride nel suo abito talar “vieni pecorella, fatti aiutare!” ma non riesco a camminar… forse è quella luce strana che brilla fredda nei sui occhi che mi gela cuore e membra e non so più capire se lui è male o bene, ormai! il diavolo è stronzolo già lo si sa ma noi siam confusi noi non capiam perciò alla chiesa proni ci affidiam se scegliere il male non è libertà ma turpe pensiero contro cui lottiam aimè a mani nude, con caparbietà ci serve un gra duce che ci porterà quella pace eterna che tutti aneliam mani possenti e cuore d’acciaio come se fosse jeeg il nostro uomo ha anche una verga come quelle dei film di rocco e nacho, ma c’importa una sega: loro sono empietà ma di don zauker, lode al signore, una malattia facciam don zauker: santo patrono di potte ed epicità don zauker: il fine ed il mezzo uniti con semplicità don zauker: si erge ignorante contro la malvagità don zauker: ed il concistoro presto si svuolterà di inutili parole contro l’azione sua e coso, nostro signore, in zauker trionferà don zauker: santo patrono di potte ed epicità don zauker: si erge ignorante, il diavolo la puppa già don zauker: venga il suo regno, sia fatta la sua volontà don zauker, don zauker, don zauker.


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I Went To See The Gypsy

(c) 2011 Simon Mas (p) 2011 Simon Mas

Appears On…

Return Of The Ulysses


Liam Gaughan: recording engineer
Massimiliano Stano: mixing and mastering engineer
Matthew Roberts: drums, vocals
Peter Morris: bass, vocals, producer
Simon Mas: vocals, guitars, producer




i went to see the gypsy     when darkness fell outside her tent     i went to see the gypsy     about the troubled nights i had. i gave her my money     every penny i had left     i sat down beside her     my future in her hands. i went to see the gypsy     when candles lit up in her tent     i went to see the gypsy     to tell her of my nightmares. i was weary of my visions     sleeping was a concern     i couldn’t even close my eyes     i thought i was going mad. she took her head looking at my hand     she took her cards and slowly went through them     “my dear young man, you’ve been cursed” she said     “i’m your only hope, trust in me, i’m your friend.” “take off your shoes, take off your clothes     stand on your feet, shake up and dance     lift up your soul with no regrets     live for the day, wake up and sing!” i went to see the gypsy     when darkness fell outside her tent     i went to see the gypsy     about the troubled nights i had. i gave her my money     every penny i had left     i sat down beside her     my future in her hands. i went to see the gypsy     when candles lit up in her tent     i went to see the gypsy     to tell her of my nightmares. i was weary of my visions     sleeping was a concern     i couldn’t even close my eyes     i thought i was going mad. she took her head looking at my hand     she took her cards and slowly went through them     “my dear young man, you’ve been cursed” she said     “i’m your only hope, trust in me, i’m your friend.” “take off your shoes, take off your clothes     stand on your feet, shake up and dance     lift up your soul with no regrets     live for the day, wake up and sing!”


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No Clouds On The Horizon

(c) 2011 Simon Mas (p) 2011 Simon Mas

Appears On…

Return Of The Ulysses


Liam Gaughan: recording engineer
Massimiliano Stano: mixing and mastering engineer
Matthew Roberts: drums
Peter Morris: bass, producer
Simon Mas: vocals, guitars, producer




memories forgotten     and the echoes of the changing times     opening like flowers     hidden shapes along my path. the landscape stays the same     with every building i’m passing by     stuck in shapes now lost in time     almost like a game. the weariness of my nerves     the alluring sound of my goodbye     i’m lost in my remembrance     within my dreams and my past. i move across the darkness     my feet they barely touch the ground     i’m the herod of my silence     now i know at last. no clouds on the horizon     so far only peace before my eyes     i must go on and keep on trying     to make some sense of these strange times. clouds and cherry blossoms     the songs of rivers full of life     these memories are fading     they’re left behind where they won’t last. i look beyond today     and i still find traces of my past     i am coming down my mountain     the spring will come at last. no clouds on the horizon     i must leave this desert far behind     i must go on     try to follow the geometries of nature’s mind. no clouds on the horizon     my hope is blooming in my eyes     i’m sure it will all pass     i’m sure one day the rain will come.


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Life In Buildings

(c) 2005 Simon Mas (p) 2011 Simon Mas

Appears On…

Return Of The Ulysses


Liam Gaughan: recording engineer
Massimiliano Stano: mixing and mastering engineer
Matthew Roberts: drums
Peter Morris: bass, producer
Simon Mas: vocals, guitars, keyboards, producer



i hear what’s happening     when i’m home alone     i don’t talk too much     the city moves around     running around in circles     spinning away from me. it’s time for new visions     new plans populate my mind     i live by the windows     no one by my side     all alone all evening     alone when it starts. my life in buildings     everything is clear     revealing itself now     new shades and new lights     same hues of night     it’s my life in buildings     all mine. the cold chill of winter     laid out in shades of green     my old reinforced thoughts     have just become concrete     nothing is worth believing     when nothing is worth my trust. my life in buildings     everything is clear     revealing itself now     new shades and new lights     same hues of night     it’s my life in buildings     all mine.


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